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Our Services

Services 01  Branding



Continue to raise the brand power and we take advantage of  Brands,Characters, and Video creators who has different characteristics for each IP.

Services 02  Consulting



Utilizing the many knowledge we have cultivated in the character business, we provide total consulting from SNS transmission to marketing strategy planning and sales support for the ever-changing new generation.

Services 03  Licensing Business 


WILL BRANDINGは、保有・管理するプロパティを 商品化や広告宣伝への許諾契約業務を行っています。新しい感覚のキャラクター、ブランド、イラストレーション等の発掘・開発、ライセンス展開を通じて時代のアイデアを盛り込んだ提案をさせていただきます。

"WILL BRANDING" is a licensing agency specializing in arranging licensing rights of properties from all over the world for merchandising use and commercial use in Japan. With our skills and strategies accumulated over the years, we are committed to nourish and expand a property in our market with a variety of merchandise and help them grow in a seamless manner.

Services 04  Creative Services


様々なジャンルに拡がるキャラクターやアートを使用した関連ビジネスは多様化してきており、消費者は常に新しく変化に富んだ商品を求めています。WILL BRANDINGはこの様なニーズに応えられる良質でユニークなキャラクターやアートワーク・デザイン開発と商品企画に取り組んでおります。

Related businesses using characters and art that spread across various genres are diversifying, and consumers are always looking for new and diverse products. WILL BRANDING is taking on the challenge of design development and product planning for high-quality, unique characters and artwork that meet such needs.

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